Yummy Snow!
We knew Saturday would be cold, but we never expected a snowstorm! It snowed for a good 4 hours on Stagecoach Drive. Soccer was canceled and the temperature dropped to 38 degrees. Shawn and William went to the movies, and then William played in the snow. It was freezing outside, so hot chocolate was in order when William came back inside. I am a little worried about William's "outdoor" birthday party. We could really use a few more warm days before the real winter storms begin.
During Librarian Lion this morning, William interrupted the story to ask me if I knew the anatomy of a book. "This is the spine, and this is the dust jacket... some poor books do not have dust jackets." It is one thing when your 5-year old talks grown-up. It is entirely another for him to use "librarian-speak," especially when you are the librarian, and all-too-familiar with library vernacular. Every Friday, the kindergarten class visits the library. They learn the protocol for checking out and returning books (which they can officially do in January), and the different kinds of books available to them.
I am glad he is learning library protocol from a reliable source. I have lost my last 5 public library books to airplane seat pockets.
At least I am up-to-date with the fines.
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